A Healthy Business Needs a Healthy YOU!
Heads up – it’s truth time…
You are the most important person in your life and if you don’t take care of yourself first, your health and business will suffer.
How does that idea make you feel?
If you found it a little hard to swallow, let’s look at it through the lens of the oxygen mask scenario.
Safety briefings on aeroplanes (remember when we all travelled on those?!?) always advise you to put on your own oxygen mask before helping anyone else put on theirs.
The life lesson there being…
You can’t help others if you don’t help yourself first.
In my last blog post I talked about How to Thrive When Falling Behind – I definitely recommend checking out the whole post if you haven’t already…
The bottom line is to get back on top of your workload you need to embrace the idea of working less, not more
Now that might bring up some anxiety for you if it means pushing out timelines for your own business projects in favour of getting client work done. That’s totally normal – I’m the same..
But if that’s the case then I challenge you to ask yourself:
Are you feeling stress or pressure because you think you should or need to have your project completed by a specific date?
Is this really true?
What’s your hurry?
What’s the worst case scenario if you don’t make that date?
Is it really that terrible?
Is it Urgency or Emergency?
I used to work in palliative care so sometimes to put things back into perspective or make myself stop and question my reality I ask myself: is this a matter of life and death?
Our brains like to lead us astray and put more importance and urgency on things than they actually require.
When you’re tired, overwhelmed and anxious, bringing your work back into perspective can be a very helpful tool. It can give you the time and brainspace you need to step back and review your emotions.
Just check in with yourself to ensure this isn’t happening to you. If it is then you may need to take some time to re-evaluate your business.
Revisit your why
Did you go into business to become a slave to an all encompassing time and sanity eating monster? I’m guessing not.
Most of us started our businesses so that we could have more control of our time. Whether it was so we could be present for our kids when they needed us, or so we could work differently and enjoy a better quality of life.
If you’re not currently living true to your reasons – then why not book a discovery call to see how I can help you to re-focus your time and attention and realign you with your why.