Do You Suffer from Doing-it-all Disease?
Earlier this week I received a newsletter from a financial coach I followed recently, which started like this:
I’m going to be honest. I’m feeling pretty flat at the moment.
She then goes on to describe how she’s been busy posting almost daily across several social platforms, creating her weekly newsletter, her weekly live video and her podcast as well as fronting up for guest speaking and teaching gigs, delivering and creating content for her courses AND actually serving her clients…
What I hear is, she’s exhausted.
Hell, I’m exhausted after just reading that.
Not only is she exhausted, but she’s been sick for over 4 weeks and writing to tell us she’s taking some time off in an effort to recover.
Now, I’m not sharing this to shame this poor woman. I mean, we’ve all been there in one form or another…
The reason I’m sharing this story is to bring to light that no matter who you are, or how much you earn in your business (and from all accounts she earns A LOT) – we’re all susceptible to Doing-it-all Disease.
What is Doing-it-all Disease?
Great question – I’m glad you asked!
Doing-it-all disease is that belief trap we fall into as business owners where we feel we have to do “all of the things” in order to have a successful business.
Originating from FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), Doing-it-all Disease is sweeping the globe faster than COVID.
Common Causes:
As women we often carry multiple responsibilities—managing businesses, nurturing relationships, and tending to our own growth.
Doing-it-all disease comes from a belief that to succeed in business (and life) – or even just get ourselves started and off the ground – we need to hustle, working long hours and taking little time off both physically and mentally or we might fall behind and ultimately fail.
Signs and Symptoms:
The Symptoms of Doing-it-all Disease include but are not limited to:
- Superwoman Syndrome: Falling into the trap of feeling we must handle every task ourselves. Hesitating to delegate, fearing it may compromise the outcome.
- Prioritisation Problems: Lacking clear priorities, your to-do list becomes overwhelming, leaving you feeling scattered and unproductive.
- Multitasking Maladies: Constantly switching gears and attempting to multitask which hampers your ability to concentrate and excel in any one area. Your attention becomes divided, leading to decreased effectiveness and quality of work.
- Self-Care Collapse: Neglecting self-care in the midst of pursuing our dreams and managing multiple roles. Compromising sleep, exercise, and personal time, leaving you physically and mentally depleted.
Prevention is Better Than Cure…
Here are four proven strategies to ensure you don’t fall victim to Doing-it-all Disease:
- Embrace the Power of Delegation: Recognise that you don’t have to do it all alone. Delegate tasks to capable individuals, whether it’s within your business or personal life. Trust in their abilities and free up your time to focus on what truly matters.
- Prioritise with Purpose: Take a step back and evaluate your priorities. Identify the tasks that align with your long-term goals and values. Focus your energy on these key activities, and be willing to let go of or delegate less important tasks.
- Single-Task for Success: Embrace the art of single-tasking. Instead of juggling multiple tasks simultaneously, devote your attention to one task at a time. This allows for deeper focus and higher-quality output.
- Nurture Your Well-Being: Self-care is essential for your overall success and happiness. Prioritise sleep, engage in regular exercise, and carve out time for activities that bring you joy and are not aligned with your work.
Finally ask yourself this:
Do you really want to be someone who does-it-all?
Or would you rather create a life of balance, fulfilment, and success on your own terms?
Need some help with any of the above? Why not book a 45-minute Problem Solver Session with me. Click here to learn more.